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Re: Waves of young Israelis find a home in the former Nazi capital

Posted by Nilet on Sat Oct 25 18:15:06 2014, in response to Re: Waves of young Israelis find a home in the former Nazi capital, posted by Stephen Bauman on Fri Oct 24 09:49:32 2014.

I think you just agreed with me that a democratically elected government does not prevent antisemitism from gaining traction.

Correct. A democratically elected government alone is not sufficient to prevent antisemitism from gaining traction.

This is despite your assertion to the contrary.

You misunderstood that post— I didn't say that democracy was an absolute barrier to antisemitism, but rather, that a democratic government will not enact unpopular antisemitic policies just because they're supported by a politically irrelevant fringe movement.

The only argument you used is that the Republicans courting of racists differs from mainstream French parties making alliances with the antisemitic fringe is that American racism is so deeply entrenched, etc, etc. I would argue that antisemitism is as deeply entrenched in the French and European psyches.

You can argue it if you like but I doubt you could back it up— I'd much rather be in France than be in the South today, let alone be black in the South, let alone be black in the south in the 60s.

The answer is yes. I paraphrased your your characterization of bigots.

Except that wasn't my characterisation of bigots— discontented/disenfranchised/washed up refers to the politically disconnected; the fringe movements who lack mainstream support. In the south in the 60s, racial equality was a fringe position and the discontented/disenfranchised/etc were mostly black. In (most of) Europe today, antisemitism is a fringe position— a bit more popular, maybe, but still a fringe position.

Here's a sobering assessment of the current state of Europe's economy.

Unpleasant, to be sure. However, while parts of Europe do seem to be worse than the US overall, it's not nearly as bad as you seem to be implying. How are those unemployment rates calculated?

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