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Re: It Is Now Yom Kippur

Posted by Nilet on Sun Oct 19 05:31:01 2014, in response to Re: It Is Now Yom Kippur, posted by Terrapin Station on Sat Oct 18 21:01:45 2014.

That would be cute, except that it's not an obscure band. LOL!

Oh, right— you lack a theory of mind. If you've heard of it, you assume everyone else has too, so it can't be obscure.

No matter how thoroughly you demonstrate your autism, I continue to treat you like a functional adult. Maybe I'll learn better someday.

I don't think you understand how religion works. It is based on faith, not facts. It is completely irrational...

Actually, I'm quite familiar with all of that. I'm just a bit startled to see a religionist openly admit that he's crazy.

So, um, if you know it's irrational, why do you do it?

... but not because you know it is not true - it is irrational because you can't prove that it is or isn't true.

This doesn't actually mean anything. Admittedly, you've already said you're irrational, so I guess I have to ask why. Most of us consider being irrational to be a bad thing— why are you so happy to admit you're irrational? If you know your beliefs are irrational, why not change them?

I don't write that.

Yes you do.

Yes it does!

No, it doesn't. Here, you claim that religiosity has nothing to do with whether I'm Jewish, while here, you claim that religiosity determines whether I'm Jewish.

You incorrectly think that when I say you're not Jewish, it's because of your asinine bastardization of Jewish rituals.

Considering that my "asinine bastardization of Jewish rituals" is something you just made up, it's obviously not the basis for any belief I formed prior to your last post.

But you're wrong (as usual)!

Once again, you are the victim of your autism. Because of your failure to understand nuance and context, you completely misinterpreted the entire exchange and formed an incorrect belief. Because of your lack of a theory of mind, you assumed I must share your incorrect belief and use it as the basis for everything I think.

I am watching you drown and yet it never occurs to you that I might be able to swim.

Which is actually kind of fun. Why don't you explain exactly why you aren't certain I'm Jewish even though it has been manifestly obvious for months.


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