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Re: Swiss citizens reject single-payer and keep private health insurance (not EUEUEUEUEU)

Posted by SelkirkTMO on Thu Oct 2 01:03:12 2014, in response to Re: Swiss citizens reject single-payer and keep private health insurance (not EUEUEUEUEU), posted by tRaIn dUdE on Thu Oct 2 00:43:13 2014.

Actually I don't blame Paturkey for that at all. It was Padre Cuomo who killed the Cable Commission because Saul Wachtler got more camera time than he did.

I'll actually give you an answer on this one. At the Cable Commission, I reported DIRECTLY to the Chairman of the agency. I didn't have to answer to the Executive Director, nor any of the junior deputy adminiswigs because what I did there was SO crucial, and I was a political appointee, the only people I had to answer to was the Chairman and the governor on purely engineering matters related to what I was hired to do there. I could come in whenever I felt like it, do whatever the hell I wanted, and the only accountability there was for me that the money was well spent and the channel remained on air 24/7. That's it.

When I asked for something, the second floor just signed off on it. When questions were raised about anything, I and I alone had to answer them. I was king of the hill and ran the place as far as the tech went and the policy makers didn't bother me at all. I got a corner office and watched TV for my paycheck because I made sure that everything worked 100% of the time.

When the agency itself (NY-SCAN was just a piece of it) got abolished, it was BINGBONG that saved everybody's job by going on the TV news the night we got word and talked about Cuomo dropping bodies down the elevator shaft. The political outrage SHE created saved every ONE of those 60 jobs and so we were transferred over to the PSC. EVERY LAST ONE OF US! Bingbong did that, and she didn't even work there.

So over to DPS we went. All 60 of us. DPS had been facing cutbacks of their own and they had to KEEP us when Paturkey was swinging that axe. I ended up in the Telecommunications division under Dick Stannard. For all I did in television and internet research, I reported to the Chairman and agency secretary once again there. It didn't go over well with the likes of people like you because "who are these boat people?" regarding all 60 of us.

I didn't care. I completed my work on bringing FiOS and cable fiber optic standards to New York State (and the city) and once that project was completed, I got paid to sit on my ass every single day and surf the internet because DPS wasn't interested in any of that.

OK ... taxpayers and ratepayers willing to pay me to sit on my ass. For people like YOU, that would be bonus. For people like me, it was boring as fuck. And so, with nothing useful to do, I bailed and saved everybody the paycheck and started a software company in the earliest days of the internet. YOU, on the other hand would have just sat there sucking the tit like a good little republican.

Ask your friend about the "boat people from the cable commission" some time. I was one of those 60. I saw what passed for civil servants like yourself and wanted no part of it. Go ask ...


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