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Re: How Officer Wilson could avoid being found guilty

Posted by Nilet on Tue Sep 2 19:54:40 2014, in response to Re: How Officer Wilson could avoid being found guilty, posted by Spider-Pig on Thu Aug 28 09:26:25 2014.

Oh come on, even the most moderate left-leaner can see that Obama's on the far right.

He supports bank bailouts, he supports blanket surveillance and the de facto repeal of the 4th Amendment, he supports pointless wars, he supports torture, he opposes freedom of the press, he vindictively persecutes whistleblowers, he opposes economic stimulus and fair taxation, and he opposes health care reform— the Affordable Care Act isn't real reform, and although Obama's name is often attached to it, Obama himself did everything he could to water it down to nothing.

Sure, plenty of low information voters believe Obama is liberal because the right wing noise machine has been blanketing the airwaves with nonstop propaganda claiming exactly that— if everyone were forced to learn exactly what liberalism and conservatism entail, the science and history that support or oppose each one, and make a rational decision uninfluenced by propaganda and tribalistic pressure and socially ingrained bigotry, then 99% of people would be liberal, so the right wing can only survive by confusing people about what they believe, what the left believes, and who falls where on the continuum.

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