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Re: Nilet Doesn't Vote Democratic, But A Majority Of Americans Do

Posted by Nilet on Sun Jul 20 13:00:49 2014, in response to Re: Why Does Nilet Vote DemocratIC, when ~49% of Americans vote Democrat?, posted by gp38/r42 chris on Sat Jul 19 21:37:00 2014.

To be honest, Chris, I think you're actually right. Your posting history here has confirmed, time and again, that you don't actually read anything I say past the first few words, which means that you'll read the first sentence, miss the sarcasm (since you're a concrete thinker, and context isn't your strong point) and then just dismiss the rest of this post a "wordy" and "anal" which means I can now spend the remainder of this post insulting you and then laughing behind your back because you don't get it. After all, it's not like you have any capacity to understand reason or evidence so all I can do is mock you. I used to do this by claiming you were autistic, but I think a more likely explanation is that your parents were siblings. Moreover, while the number of ancestors most people have increases exponentially with each generation back, for you the increase is linear. Basically, what I'm saying is that your family tree is more incestuous than that of European royalty. This problem was compounded by the fact that you were dropped on your head as a child. Every day. For three years. Since you can't understand facts and have no social skills, you won't be able to get a job, so you rely on the support of your wife. Who is also your mother. Because incest is sort of a thing in your family. This post contains the phrase "every cloud has a silver lining" not because it's meaningful in context, but rather as a sort of code that you can use to indicate you've actually read this post (assuming you did). If you make some reference to clouds or silver linings, then I'll know you actually read it. Otherwise, I'll figure you haven't which means, of course, that I won't be able to respond to you without giggling because this will have gone straight over your thick head. Of course, you won't be able to tell I'm giggling because this is the internet. I won't say it so you won't know it, but giggling I will be.


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