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Re: $15 minimum wage permits few luxuries in US cities

Posted by SelkirkTMO on Fri Jun 6 04:41:28 2014, in response to Re: $15 minimum wage permits few luxuries in US cities, posted by gp38/r42 chris on Fri Jun 6 04:26:40 2014.

The failure rate of restaurants is somewhere on the order of about 80%. They close primarily because the owners couldn't handle the business they were in. A lot of folks fantasize about owning a restaurant or bar and they fail. So that statistic being thrown around is spurious.

Let's talk about the ones packing them in ... they pay wait staff on the order of $2 an hour to maybe as much as $5. Those folks are NOT their "cost center" since they have to live off tips. Rest assured that those restaurants could easily afford to raise their prices by a buck or two given how many tables wait staff and kitchen handles in that hour, and it won't stop you from going. A price of $22 for a meal vs $24 is no big deal.

But I love how the "minimum wage" keeps coming back to restaurants when there's many other jobs that pay that shitty with far better profit margins. That's what keeps bringing me back to my point of if the economy is SO endangered by a couple of bucks, then be a bro and talk to your boss about a salary cut. It's good for America! :)

Henry Ford proved back in the gilded age that if you paid your folks better, you got better work, employees who GAVE a shit and a booming America. This whole "kick the poor" mentality of your politics is the REASON why America is in the dumper now.

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