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Re: $15 minimum wage permits few luxuries in US cities

Posted by Nilet on Wed Jun 4 10:05:27 2014, in response to Re: $15 minimum wage permits few luxuries in US cities, posted by Train Dude on Wed Jun 4 09:37:06 2014.

Do we want a society where people no longer aspire for an education to get a better job?

I don't know. I've always been meaning to ask you why you keep slashing support for education.

What the uber-liberals don't see is, if you pay the fry cook at Mickey D's $15 an hour it seems like no big deal. The cost of fries and a burger will go up a few cents.

Probably not even that. More like, my dividends will go down by one penny per century per share.

Then you have to raise the salary of the supervisor because he can't earn what his subordinates earn and then you have to raise the salary of the manager.

You say that like it's a bad thing.

Expand that to the entire economy and suddenly that $15 minimum wage is worth what the $7.75 minimum wage was worth in real buying power.

Nope. Overall, more money has gone to the people who earned it and less to the people who own the company. Even if the minimum wage sees no net increase in purchasing power, everyone else certainly will.

Minimum wage jobs were never intended to be the sole means of support for a family. Instead they were intended to help teens learn what a job was about while providing pocket money of help someone with some additional cash.

Tell that to the labour unions who fought and died to get a minimum wage so that they could earn enough to support their families.

You know, for someone who gets a union pension, you're surprisingly anti-union.

What happens to the person driving the school bus for $15/hr. which requires training, skills and responsibility?

He gets a raise.

What about his/her supervisor - are they all getting raises too?

Why not?

Instead of looking to pay people more for unskilled jobs, why aren't the liberals looking to get these people to upgrade their skills so they can move into some of those "shovel-ready" jobs that this president promised us?

We are doing that. Of course, asking people to upgrade their skills doesn't work very well when your people make tuition unaffordable and your people wreck the economy, leaving the newly-skilled with nothing but minimum wage jobs (and six figures of student loan debt).

The problem is that the bulk of all production in this country is taken by a parasitic rentier class— improving your skills just leaves you better equipped to fight over the crumbs that remain. Increasing the minimum wage (and all wages by extension) will force the 1% to throw a bone or two along with the crumbs.

By the way - where are those shovel-ready jobs?

Obama's one of your people. You'll have to ask him yourself.

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