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Re: CSA!

Posted by Nilet on Thu May 15 01:17:36 2014, in response to Re: CSA!, posted by SelkirkTMO on Thu May 15 00:41:56 2014.

There aren't any Republicans in my country— they're notoriously xenophobic!

Admittedly, we do have a "Republican Party," but that's a completely separate thing. In my country, the Republican Party leans liberal, the Liberal Party is conservative, and the Conservative Party is libertarian with anarchist leanings.

At the moment, we have a coalition government between the Liberal Party and the pro-war Statesman Party, holding a total of 121 seats. The Republican Party and the more left-wing National Party have 167 seats between them, but the center-left Republicans snubbed the farther-left Nationals by attempting to form a coalition with the anti-human New Democratic Party— when the NDP lost almost all of their seats to the Nationals in 2010, the Nationals weren't willing to forgive and forget even if it meant letting the right wing control the Offices. We'll see what happens next year— polls show a groundswell of support for the National Party in the South Midlands (which is not surprising) but the candidates along the western fringe are facing significant challenges as voters hate them for their petty refusal to deal with the Republicans.

I suspect that the Nationals and Republicans will form a coalition suitably far out from the 2015 elections, allowing the Nationals to retain their western seats while gaining in the South Midlands. If that puts them over 150, they'll dissolve the coalition since they'd have a majority on their own.

Meanwhile, the Senate is controlled by the Statesmen with a considerable showing from the New Democrats, as has been the case since the 1970s, since only the pro-war hawks and anti-human bigots bother voting in Senatorial elections. The only time their control over the Senate was challenged was during the Airasin administration. That was a rather interesting time to say the least.


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