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Re: GMO Labeling Bill Passes VT Legislature

Posted by Nilet on Thu May 8 18:44:33 2014, in response to Re: GMO Labeling Bill Passes VT Legislature, posted by LuchAAA on Thu May 8 16:58:56 2014.

Same-sex marriage is a very liberal policy.

It's a human right. That it's considered "liberal" shows just how far to the right we really are.


No it isn't. Abortion isn't even a policy or position; it's a medical procedure.

Bodily autonomy is a human right, and it includes the right to undergo a medical procedure that you deem to be in your interest after having evaluated the pertinent facts. That respect for bodily autonomy is considered "liberal" further shows how far to the right we really are.

Affirmative action?

What about it? It barely exists.

Given that people who were consigned to inferior houses, schools, and jobs due to segregation are demonstrably worse off for it and given that many of those people are still very much alive today, it should be fairly non-controversial that reparations are due to them as compensation for their financial losses. Yet in our supposedly liberal country, that position isn't even discussed except on the fringe.

Welfare is liberal. Welfare reform is conservative.

And since it's been "reformed" almost out of existence, I'm sure you'll agree to our country's rightward tilt.

ObamaCare is liberal.

*snerk* *giggle* *mpff* HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!

Seriously? Clintoncare wasn't really liberal, and Obamacare is the conservative alternative to that.

Written by Republicans in the 90s as the conservative option, it was dusted off by Obama a decade later and declared the liberal option by Republicans, conservaDems, and the right wing media. And you're claiming it's evidence we're moving left?

This nation is far more Left than 30 years ago. And it's going to continue to tilt Left.

I'll give you this one— overall, I'd say the people are more liberal than they were 30 years ago and by a fair margin. Unfortunately, the government has grown much less responsive to the interests and desires of the people, sending America further to the right.

A continued leftward tilt on average is to be expected, though, as that's just how the natural progress of history works. There's a reason liberals are sometimes called "progressives."

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