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Re: Palestinian university students’ trip to Auschwitz causes uproar

Posted by Nilet on Mon May 5 16:42:44 2014, in response to Re: Palestinian university students’ trip to Auschwitz causes uproar, posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Sun Apr 20 11:00:19 2014.

There are lots of states throughout the world where one religion's adherents make up the majority of the population. Why can't there be a state where Judaism is the religion of the majority?

You're conflating the existence of a state where a particular religion's adherents are a majority due to natural social trends and a state where a particular religion's adherents are a majority because the state intervenes to enforce it.

There's nothing particularly wrong with a particular religion's adherents forming the majority of the population, but there is everything wrong with using government fiat to enforce the "correct" religion's majority status. That's why I asked— what do you think of Saudi Arabia's treatment of non-Muslims?

I have said time and time again on this board and in this thread somewhere that a Palestinian state needs to be created to ensure Israel remains Jewish and democratic.

Enforcing a particular religion's majority status is called "theocracy." I don't support that. And that you conflate Israel losing its Jewish majority to shifting demographics with an end to democracy reveals your own prejudice.

As I asked you elsewhere in this thread, exactly what country is Israel occupying? Palestine has never been established as a country. Egypt makes no claim to Gaza and Jordan makes no claim to the West Bank. If you want to call them Disputed Territories, I'm quite OK with that, but Israel isn't occupying anything.

Call it what you like, Israel effectively exercises control over Gaza and the West Bank.

Gazans have no desire to be Israeli citizens, so that isn't an option.


Also, citizens of a country generally don't set out to destroy their own country.

You have a rather expansive definition of "destroy" so I'd better tread carefully here.

I can't help but wonder how many violent attacks are motivated by the poverty therein.

If you believe the right to travel is absolute, then you would demand that BOTH Egypt AND Israel lift their blockades on Gaza. You've put the onus on Israel.

See, there you go again with your ridiculous assumptions.

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