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Re: Palestinian university students’ trip to Auschwitz causes uproar

Posted by Mitch45 on Thu Apr 17 11:40:19 2014, in response to Re: Palestinian university students’ trip to Auschwitz causes uproar, posted by Nilet on Thu Apr 17 04:33:27 2014.

I saw an interesting article over Passover regarding the current battle over Jerusalem and how history repeats itself.

In Genesis, there is the story of Abraham's mustering of 318 men and defeating five kings who controlled much of what later became the biblical Land of Israel. Right after that battle was won, God appeared to Abraham and told him not to worry, that God would be his shield.

The question is: why did God make this assurance AFTER the battle had already been won? Why not before?

The answer given was that as soon as the war was won, Abraham knew that the surrounding nations would be upset and angry at Abraham's victory - after all, who was this insignificant old man with his tiny army to defeat such powerful rulers? He knew that they would soon muster against him to take back what he had won. That is why God assured him at that time and not before.

Similarly, when Israel conquered East Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza in 1967, wise people knew that the world powers would never be comfortable with Israel's victory, that they would never allow Jews to control the world's most holy places. And ever since 1967, the world has been trying to undermine Israel's right to those lands, indeed, to undermine its continuing existence.


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