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Re: Is Nilet for real?

Posted by Nilet on Tue Apr 15 17:48:38 2014, in response to Re: Is Nilet for real?, posted by dand124 on Tue Apr 15 17:31:28 2014.

his belief in literally open boarders.

Open borders. Not "boarders."

Which is generally more of a libertarian idea than a liberal one. It's decidedly more consistent with laissez faire economics than most self-proclaimed free market advocates support.

Classify it with any philosophy you like, the fact remains that nation-states with exclusive citizenship are an obsolete relic of our species' tribalistic past— a stepping stone between identifying only with the handful of people you know and being willing to abandon in-group/out-group distinctions entirely.

Anyone who claims that we should close the border is implicitly stating that we need to keep out "them" for the benefit of "us" because "we" are inherently more valuable than "they" are. People should know better, especially if they've had access to education.

Yes, we're naturally predisposed to divide humanity into "us" and "them" and to make the "us" as small as possible, but as I'm inclined to say in real life— I've managed to move beyond that, so what's wrong with you?

and his speed in calling anyone who disagrees with him a racist

So far, I've only called people racist who expressed racism— ChicagoMotorman, who claims the legitimacy of my argument is determined by the colour of my skin, GP38/R42 Chris, who said that racial equality was "nonsense," Olog who openly supports segregation, and anybody who claimed that a white man was justified in shooting a black kid simply because the kid was black.


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