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Re: Palestinian university students’ trip to Auschwitz causes uproar

Posted by Nilet on Tue Apr 15 17:35:42 2014, in response to Re: Palestinian university students’ trip to Auschwitz causes uproar, posted by 3-9 on Tue Apr 15 17:21:56 2014.

Well, that depends on a person's belief of the root causes and solutions of crime. Significantly different opinions on that.

We can measure the effects that different policies have on crime, so we know that "more prisons, longer sentences" doesn't work, while things like economic opportunities, drug treatment, and even banning leaded gasoline do.

OK, here's where we get to the crux of the dispute here. Which came first, the belief that Israel and it's people should be wiped off the map, or Israel's oppression of the Palestinians? Which caused the other?

Causal relationships are complicated and belief is not a binary affair; the existence of a belief is meaningless if you don't know the prevalence of the belief.

We do know that when people are kept in poverty, they're inclined to lash out against the people keeping them there, so it's a fair bet that's happening here and that ending the poverty will lower the violence accordingly. Will it completely end the violence? Of course not. There are underlying political and territorial disputes, not to mention the fact that people of different religions have been killing each other for centuries. However, we should definitely notice some reduction in violence— not to mention that it's the right thing to do anyway.

While they're clearly not the same thing, a few parallels can be drawn between Hamas and the Nazis— in both cases, a group with a distinct hatred for a particular demographic is elected to power by a populace which is impoverished, desperate, and willing to cling to any promise of improvement, especially if it's made by an organisation which provides a tiny handful of token support services when nobody else will.


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