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Re: Conservative Jeb Bush Notices Racism Is Bad

Posted by Nilet on Mon Apr 14 22:30:40 2014, in response to Re: Conservative Jeb Bush Notices Racism Is Bad, posted by gp38/r42 chris on Mon Apr 14 21:59:49 2014.

Are you going to talk nonsense or have an adult conversation on immigration?

You're the one who keeps spewing irrelevant gibberish. What does it matter where I moved from?

Race has nothing to do with immigration.

Ancestry. Call it whatever you like.

Its called a country. That is the rule of law.

I've explained before that this is irrelevant nonsense. Unless you want to defend every law ever written, then what the law currently says is irrelevant to what the law should say.

Its actually pretty lenient compared to most other country's laws on immigration.

That it could be worse doesn't mean it's fine as it is.

Its not absurd at all. You don't need a visa or green card as natural born citizen.

It's a double standard which is inherently absurd.

So you believe in anarchy and open borders.

And you believe in dictatorship and closed borders.

See how easy it is to tape a completely irrelevant claim onto an unrelated idea?

If you want to equivocate "open borders" with "anarchy" then you had better write a fucking dissertation to justify that claim.

And what country has that?

Circa 1500, what country had democracy?

Your birth certificate is all you need.

If a birth certificate is enough for me to live here, why isn't it enough for a Mexican or a Canadian?

Lol....so I am a bigot for explaining the United States law too you. And you wonder why people think you are a moron?

Once again, the most simple of points eludes you.

You are a bigot for claiming it is justified (not merely "legal" but actually a right) for your ability to live and work in the city of your choice to be determined by your ancestry. You have yet to provide any meaningful response to that; you just spew out buzzwords like "rule of law" without actually using them in any meaningful context. And you wonder why people think you're a moron?


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