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Re: Conservative Jeb Bush Notices Racism Is Bad

Posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Mon Apr 14 14:45:24 2014, in response to Re: Conservative Jeb Bush Notices Racism Is Bad, posted by Nilet on Sun Apr 13 22:42:44 2014.

That presumes that anybody is not "supposed" to be here. On what basis can we meaningfully declare that one person is "meant" to be here and another isn't?

Countries do not have open borders. There's a process to become a member of a country. Name a country worth living in that just allows open borders. Even Mexico itself does not allow non-Mexicans to just take up residency there. There's a process to becoming a Mexican Citizen, or a resident of THAT country too....just like any country does.

When I moved to my current apartment, no one claimed I had to leave because I hadn't followed the correct "process" to come here.

What a ridiculous analogy. You are equating a move of an American Citizen (I assume you are one) from one apartment to another home to changing the country you live in? What does one have to do with the other. But I will bite.... And there still is a process to renting an apartment, you probably had to sign a lease, or you had some kind of an agreement with the landlord of terms and conditions, rent to be paid, etc if he allowed you to take up residency in his property. You can't just walk into an apartment and take up residency in it.

If I wanted, I could move thousands of miles away and live in Hawaii without anyone claiming I didn't belong there and had to go back.

????? Yeah, so? If you are an American citizen, a naturalized citizen, or a legal alien, you can also. What does where in the United States you move have to do with anything? Can you decide to go to Mexico City and decide to live there? Can you go to Montreal and just decide to live there without any paperwork, or doing the legal process with the Mexican or Canadian government?
It's irrelevant if you move 30 miles across an international border or 3000 miles across the country, if you cross an international border, you have a process to do so.

To compare immigration from one country to another to changing an apartment is utterly absurd.


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