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Re: GOP-e tries to dump on the GOP base—again

Posted by Stephen Bauman on Sun Mar 9 21:04:18 2014, in response to Re: GOP-e tries to dump on the GOP base—again, posted by SelkirkTMO on Sun Mar 9 20:04:48 2014.

Now who was in congress who wrote what got signed?

The bill that Eisenhower signed was sponsored by Sen. Albert Gore Sr.

There was an alternate Republican proposal that Eisenhower sent to Congress. That proposal was defeated by heavy majorities by both houses. The primary objection to Eisenhower's proposal was that it placed too much funding on the states.

The first proposal for an interstate highway system was contained in a report to Congress, authorized in the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1938. The report was submitted in early 1939 with FDR's recommendation for passage. It was described as "another ascent into the stratosphere of New Deal jitterbug economics" by some Republicans.


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