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Re: Obama saysUS can't help Israel If Peace Talks Fail

Posted by Train Dude on Tue Mar 4 10:40:40 2014, in response to Re: Obama saysUS can't help Israel If Peace Talks Fail, posted by JayZeeBMT on Tue Mar 4 10:33:58 2014.

Yes and they didn't learn to fly in 8 months. Those same hijackers were learning to fly while Clinton was in office. BUT even armed with that knowledge, what do you do? Do you arrest every foreign national, in this country legally, for taking flying lessons? Is there a law against it? How long do you have them under surveillance? We'de have the ACLU complaining about harassment and the liberal left calling the Bush Administration, Paranoid.

And the alleged 20th hijacker? What flight was he on? Perhaps he was dropped from the plan when they realized that he was being watched. What would you have done? Arrest him? Water Board him to find out why someone who was in this country legally was legally taking flying lessons?

Why didn't Clinton have the 1st World Trade Center Bombers arrested when they rented the truck?


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