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Re: The Republican Party’s uphill path to 270 electoral votes in 2016

Posted by mtk52983 on Mon Jan 20 07:51:15 2014, in response to Re: The Republican Party’s uphill path to 270 electoral votes in 2016, posted by LuchAAA on Mon Jan 20 05:13:20 2014.

Northern Virginia is becoming increasingly Democrat. Look at how Ken Cuccinelli lost to Terry McAuliffe in the Governor's race despite the fact that he had won 57.51% of the vote 4 years earlier running for Attorney General. Even if you added Virginia and Florida to the states that Mitt Romney carried in 2012, the Republicans would only have 248 Electoral Votes. Finding the next 22 is increasingly difficult if the Republicans cannot carry Michigan, Ohio, or anything to the Northeast of Ohio. The Republicans would need to sweep Minnesota/Wisconsin/Iowa (as Nevada, Colorado, and New Mexico have increasing Hispanic populations due to immigration, the Republicans stance on immigration overhaul is difficult to sell there) and the Republicans were unable to do that with Paul Ryan, a Representative from Wisconsin, as the VP nominee. The other issue the Republicans face in 2016 is that the first term Senators who rode in on the Tea Party wave in 2010 are up for re-election so the anti-Tea Party groups will be mobilizing strong for any challenger which would provide coattails for the Democrats


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