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Re: Polygamists celebrate SCOTUS DOMA ruling

Posted by SMAZ on Sat Jun 29 20:20:17 2013, in response to Re: Polygamists celebrate SCOTUS DOMA ruling, posted by Spider-Pig on Sat Jun 29 19:26:42 2013.

Me too. And at the time you didn't consider it a prejudice, did you?

No I didn't consider it a prejudice on my part since I already considered myself very pro-LGBT-friendly.

My thinking went like this:

"I'm all for gay equality in employment, housing etc, but marriage...you know....it's MARRIAGE. THAT's different".


"I'm not a bigot. I feel for "you people". I even have gay friends.
However, gays should focus on things with widespread public support like ending discrimination in employment and in attitudes. When it comes to hospital visitation rights and other benefits, I'm all for things like domestic partnerships....but MARRIAGE? LOL!
A dude and a dude...MARRIED? LOLOLOL!!!"


"Marriage? If even open-minded people like me don't support it, it will never happen. It's too weird for America.
"You people" are wasting your time on this".

What I REALLY thought and wouldn't say was:

"SMAZ just doesn't like this ridiculous idea even though it doesn't harm him. Marriage is for MY kind. You people are not normal like me.
You unnatural freaks haven't earned it.
Be happy that we even talk to you without lynching you."

It's like people in the 60's who were in favor of civil rights but when it came to blacks marrying whites it was:

"Think about the children.....OHHHH BUT THOSE POOR CHILDREN!!!"

Those people were full of shit then just like I was full of shit until about 12 years ago.

I'm glad (and surprised) that the rest of America evolved on their views just as quickly as I did.

I consider all state constitutional amendments restricting marriage to one man and one woman to be unconstitutional under the standard in Romer v. Evans.

The times are not yet ripe for that.

However it seems that Justice Kennedy may be ahead of me on this.
It's interesting that he killed DOMA Section 3 on 5th Amendment grounds rather than 10th Amendment ones.
He goes further than I would've.

That means Section 2 of DOMA may be on its last gasps.

Without section 2, state constitutional amendments prohibiting same-sex marriages will have their teeth knocked out.

In line with Windsor, the fact that Congress would codify such a rare exemption to the Full Faith and Credit Clause for the sole purpose of discriminating against one class of people, and no other compelling reason, renders it unconstitutional in my eyes.

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