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W.B.'s Bus Almanac for September 13th [DELAYED]

Posted by W.B. on Tue Sep 14 14:11:24 2021

September 13, 1954 - The Book of First Runs

Manhattan, New York
Surface Transportation Corporation of New York

30 new buses - GMC "Old Look" TDH-5106's numbered 1060-1089 (serial numbers 0070-0099) - enter service in Manhattan on this date. These buses will be renumbered 3260-3289 by MaBSTOA in 1963, and remain in service through circa 1970 under their aegis, and up to circa 1972 after they are transferred to the Transit Authority for service in the outer boroughs.

At the time, it was announced that 25 new buses would enter service soon afterwards. It would turn out to be 10 Mack C-49-DT's, numbered 2990-2999 (serial numbers 1006-1015), which will enter service in October. These will be renumbered 4990-4999 in 1963 and remain in service until 1967. (It wouldn't be for another two years until more Macks enter STS service.)

(Sources: "Private Line to Use 30 New Buses Today," The New York Times, September 13, 1954; "Surface Transportation System - Manhattan and the Bronx," Motor Coach Age, March 1970.)

September 13, 1976 - The Book of First Runs

Manhattan, New York
New York City Transit Authority
Manhattan Bus Division

A new limited-stop service is inaugurated on the M15 - First and Second Avenues line. This service will only make 15 stops between 126th and Houston Streets, shortening travel time by as much as 23 minutes. These limited-stop buses (such stops will be marked accordingly, and such buses will be identified with a sign on the lower right windshield) are to run weekdays every six minutes, southbound between 7:12 and 9:21 A.M., and northbound between 4:12 and 6:11 P.M.

(Source: "To Speed You On Your Way . . . " New York City Transit Authority, 1976.)

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