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(MTA Bus Only) plan: IVN, Bus Camera Security System, Hastus scheduling, etc.

Posted by Gold_12th on Sun Nov 23 13:23:15 2014

Financial Pan for 2015-2018 time period....

Intelligent Vehicle Network (IVN) Installation - Install IVN at remaining four
depots (Yonkers, Eastchester, Baisley Park and Far Rockaway). IVN is a
hardware and software system that collects data from multiple vehicle control
computers. The IVN system increases bus reliability by providing the means to
identify and alert maintenance personnel of problems before they result in
malfunctions that cause road calls or failures while a bus is in revenue service.

CMF Line Supervisors - Over the years, the scope of the East New York &
Eastchester operation has increased to become a full-fledged Central
Maintenance Facility (CMF). By allocating the proposed number of maintenance
supervisors by the specialties of each operation, workload distribution and by
locations, the CMF operations will have the proper level of supervision to ensure
that all policies and procedures are being followed.

Bus Camera Security System - All new buses will be delivered with camera
systems installed by the bus manufacturer. The goals of the Bus Camera
Security Systems (BCSS) are to improve the security provided to our employees
and customers, act as a deterrent for criminal/terrorist activity, and provide a
video record (a “neutral witness”) that can be used in the investigation and
prosecution of criminal and other improper activity. The BCSS staff is required
for technical support, camera/video maintenance, physical camera inspections,
and general program support needs.

Platform Budget – Continuing work started in prior plans, MTABC is refining the
running times to more accurately reflect current traffic and operating conditions.
This is an ongoing initiative which started in 2012 - 2013 as the Hastus
scheduling software was implemented in MTABC.

Shop Overhaul - This one-time expense will cover the additional costs for
materials purchased instead of being rebuilt by the shop.

Shop Hybrid Repower Deferral – Revised assumptions and resulting delays in
the program shifts the hybrid conversion from 2015/2016 to 2016/2017.

Overtime Alignment - Align the budget with actual maintenance spending levels
based on recent years. The improvement in reliability, which is reflected in yearover-
year gains in MDBF, is a function of greater reliance on predictive
maintenance (move to preventative vs. fix as fail) and the resulting repairs that
have been accelerated to minimize in-service failures. This request ensures
consistency with MTA maintenance standards.

Overtime for Supervisors – Increase oversight of operations and align the
budget with actual spending levels based on recent years. Line Supervisor
overtime has been one of the primary drivers for supervisory overruns. The
primary factor is the impact of capital funding shortfalls and the need to keep
buses in service beyond the 12 year life of a bus.

OTPS Budget Re-assessment - reflects decreases in Maintenance and Other
Operating Contracts, Professional Service Contracts and Other Business
Expenses to fund important new programmatic initiatives.

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