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Re: TA Brooklyn and OA operators being able to pick into each others depots...

Posted by WayneJay on Fri Aug 17 16:38:30 2007, in response to Re: TA Brooklyn and OA operators being able to pick into each others depots..., posted by Mr Mabstoa on Fri Aug 17 10:37:31 2007.

I think you chose the wrong business Wayne. You probably would have been a great asset at buses.
When I worked the road I did anything I could to get service. I always have said that customers don't care if a bus is an hour early or an hour late, they just want a bus to arrive on it scehduled headway. Its the way I ran my lines when I was a road dispatcher.
Unfortunately many on the road are just there to buy their time to pick inside or as managers as a short stop on the ladder to the "upstairs office's".
Like when I worked 146 St and Lenox Av. I always ran an M7 shuttle between my location and Columbus Circle on bad days. This bus would pick up the slack for the other runs who were late. I would send an M7 dark down Columbus/9Av to 14 St and 6 Av so the dispatcher would have a bus ready in case he had a large headway.
Its all a matter of doing something, and not just standing there writing numbers in a tally book like a glorified checker. If it weren't for my health getting bad I would still be out on the corners.

Thanks a bunch. The interesting part is that growing up I always wanted to eventually be a NYCTA Motorman (as they were called at the time) and my intention was to be either a OA bus operator in the Bronx or TA B/O in Queens division. I even got on the list, but after completing my physical down at Jay Street I had already done 2 years in college and decided to stay. Then I pursued an IT career, which the field I'm still working in. I think the IT field was a good move for me, but part of me still wonders "what if" had I gone on to work for NYCTA. One thing I proud of is that I was never one to just go through the motions and collect a paycheck. I tend to have a genuine interest in making things under my control flow smoothly.

I'm sure there some hard-working people at NYCTA who are interested in providing quality service. I just find it disappointing that there's so many who don't care, have a poor work ethic, but are quick to complain that their salary is not high enough, don't want to go the extra mile, etc. I think things like your routine with the M7 and the my question about the M11 are common sense. It may not necessarily make the intervals perectly spaced, but I figure having most of the route have service intervals somewhat close to what they're supposed to be is much better than 45 min (or more) gaps in service because a bunch of buses are trapped on 9th Ave behind a ton of tunnel traffic.


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