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Re: My idea for the BxM4

Posted by The Port of Authority on Tue Oct 24 20:10:03 2006, in response to Re: My idea for the BxM4, posted by Olog-hai on Tue Oct 24 14:04:57 2006.

Ask their passengers. I'm sure they can give you a great answer, even if it's not the one you're looking for.

Doesn't matter if the route isn't efficient. If the MTA ran an express route to my house, of course I'd be happy with it, but that doesn't make it cost-effective.

Let them eat cake, eh? You'd make a terrible transit planner. I wouldn't want you on the MTA's board. Only reason the subway's cheaper is due to higher subsidy.

It's much more effective to use the rail infrastructure that's already there. The BxM4 service area is duplicated with TWO subway lines. Consider the cost of running transit buses on local routes feeding the subway versus running costly express coaches all the way to midtown. It should be obvious which one is more cost-effective.

Don't forget the fact that the subway is much more efficient at moving large groups of people than any bus ever will be. Over a thousand people can fit onto one subway train; only about 40 or so will fit on an MCI express coach.

(Noticed that you couldn't say "more comfortable" when it came to the subway;

Aww, too bad if the seats on the subway are a bit too hard. Public transport isn't aiming to be comfortable. If you want comfort in transportation, get a car.

and it isn't necessarily faster in fact.)

It actually is, most of the time. Factor in traffic, red lights, numerous stops, and increased dwell times due to wheelchair passengers and you'll find that buses, even expresses, are generally slower.

This paragraph smacks of "lalalalala, you don't know about buses". Please grow up.

Thank you. If I wanted a RonIsBS answer I'd ask for one.

I've actually used the BxM4B to get to/from Katonah Avenue in the past. Have you?

Why does that matter if I've ridden it or not? If a route is inefficient I don't need to ride it in order to accurately deem it so.

Katonah Avenue is several blocks away from Metro-North. Why not just take that instead?

And none of any of you calling for the removal of these express routes have given a single reason as to why they should go from very frequent service to no service, suddenly, in one fell swoop.

Yes we have. Please read the thread.

The MTA are experts at cutters; and if they didn't cut this service when they took it over, then they certainly disagree with the emotional opinions of yourself and others.

Um, the MTA hasn't cut ANY bus routes yet (with the exception of the Q10A, if you can even call that a separate route.) I have a feeling that future service will be (rightfully) drastically reduced on some of the least cost-effective express routes.

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