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Re: Bronx Bus Network Redesign Final Plan Addendum

Posted by checkmatechamp13 on Sun Dec 5 20:54:02 2021, in response to Re: Bronx Bus Network Redesign Final Plan Addendum, posted by BrooklynBus on Sun Dec 5 10:47:55 2021.

In the particular example you gave, perhaps it's not worth it. But how many residents of that corridor are making that precise type of trip? How many are just trying to connect to the subway or another bus route? In the Brooklyn redesign, the Q24 has 47.4% connecting to another bus, 20% connecting to the subway, and 32.6% having a one-seat ride. For the Q56, those corresponding numbers are 49.7%, 23.6%, and 26.7%.

Assuming the Q8 is similar to those two routes, only a third of the riders at most would have any chance of being in the situation you described, and only a fraction of those would have the longer walk on both ends of the route.


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