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Re: Tuscarora Almanac for March 1

Posted by W.B. on Sun Jun 18 19:13:07 2017, in response to Re: Tuscarora Almanac for March 1, posted by andy on Mon Mar 6 20:51:01 2017.

Here may be part of why Wikipedia would assume why the NYCO and FACCo 2's would have been "combined" into some "hybrid": A passage about the detailed changes to various Fifth and Madison routes buried within page 21 ("Continued From Page 1") of an article, "Barnes Suggests Express Bus Runs," in the Jan. 17, 1966 New York Times (about Traffic Commissioner Henry Barnes suggesting the introduction of express bus service along Fifth and Madison with the said one-way conversions). I quote verbatim, and you tell us whether this makes sense or not (underlines mine, for emphasis):

"The designation is changed from '168th Street-Edgecombe Avenue-Washington Square' to 'Fifth and Madison Avenues via Seventh and Lenox Avenues.' Southbound the only change will be that the buses will join Lenox Avenue at West 147th Street and turn east on 116th Street to Fifth Avenue for the straight run south. The buses will turn east on Eighth Street for a final stop just east of Fifth Avenue, then continue east to Astor Place for the turnaround.
"Northbound, they will form up at East Ninth Street and Fourth Avenue, go west on Ninth, north on University Place, east on 14th Street, then north on Union Square East and Park Avenue South to 25th Street. There they will turn west to Madison Avenue, then north on Madison to 110th Street. The main route then goes west to Seventh Avenue and north to the West 115th[sic - should be 155th] Street viaduct, joining Edgecombe Avenue to continue north to 167th Street and the turnaround at 168th and Broadway.
"Some No. 2 buses will continue north on Madison to 116th Street, then west to Lenox Avenue and north on the avenue to 147th Street. Others will start north on Fourth Avenue from Ninth Street and rejoin the main route at Union Square East."

No comment about "Some southbound Route 2 buses will originate from 168th and Broadway, then join Edgecombe Avenue before going east on the West 155th Street viaduct, then south on Seventh Avenue, east on 110th Street, and south on Fifth to Eighth Street . . . "? Also, would ex-FACCo 2 have gone north through University Place up to 14th, and ex-NYCO 2 straight on Fourth Avenue to 14th? That whole excerpt seems to raise more questions than it answers. And it did not account for ex-FACCo 2 being rebranded 2A at the time. Nor did it distinguish the routes, with NYCO 2's northbound and FACCo 2(A)'s southbound route being unchanged. They also didn't mention about "Route No. 6" '72nd Street Crosstown's' northbound stretch between 57th and 72nd Streets along its eastbound path to 72nd Street-York Avenue, being moved to Madison Avenue; nor was there any indication of whether "Route No. 7" 'Broadway, Columbus and Lenox Avenues' had its extension to 14th Street-Union Square on or before that 1966 day, given that the last remaining unconverted stretch of Broadway - between Madison Square and Union Square - went one-way southbound, thus now all of Broadway south of Columbus Circle was southbound.

The Times, alas, did not (to the best of my knowledge) write about the TA and MaBSTOA's reclassification of ex-NYCO 2 as Third-Lexington-Lenox 101A prior to that 1969 changeover.

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