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Re: B42 Buses Don't Seem to Be Coordinated with the L Train

Posted by New Flyer #857 on Thu Apr 20 08:34:17 2017, in response to B42 Buses Don't Seem to Be Coordinated with the L Train, posted by nh153 on Wed Apr 19 22:09:12 2017.

Based on current schedules, overnight the B42 is scheduled to pull out of Rockaway Parkway at :00, :20, and :40 past the hour, which is appropriate given that the L train arrives at :15, :35, and :55, allowing a 5-minute buffer (lost time en route on the train, plus people changing vehicles).

Likewise, overnight, the northbound B42 terminates at the station 6 minutes before the departure of the L train, perhaps a slightly long but still very reasonable and smooth buffer.

During the day, in my opinion the L train runs so often (barring any GOs or irregularities) that coordination with the B42 is largely unnecessary. Even if you scheduled such coordination, it could potentially backfire if the connections are too close. Neither trains nor buses run perfectly on time, and even if you set it up, say, for there to be 3 minutes between the arrival of the L and the departure of the B42, well, how quickly those 3 minutes are lost en route on the L (even just one unexpected event en route can erase those 3 minutes).

And if during the day you hold the B42 because there's an L train even 1 minute away, and there is heavy traffic, it may be difficult for that run to get back up to speed for future trips (meaning that future L train riders will be waiting longer because the B42 is still finishing up its previous trip).

To summarize, at night it's good to have coordination. But once the L train frequency becomes over 10 tph, as it is for most of the day, it really doesn't matter anymore.

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