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Re: Queens CB 14 withdraws their support for SBS on Woodhaven Blvd.

Posted by BrooklynBus on Wed Apr 5 12:01:44 2017, in response to Re: Queens CB 14 withdraws their support for SBS on Woodhaven Blvd., posted by Spider-Pig on Wed Apr 5 11:29:22 2017.

I am sure that Trump was not thinking specifically about Woodhaven BRT.

I also never thought of Trottenberg as the bad one here. She is only following her boss's direction. He is the one making the decisions. That's why the project is going forward. He wants to show his power over the communities. The question is how much is the city willing to spend and what will it include?

My feeling is that they will leave the project in the middle making an even bigger mess and use that as leverage for others to contribute more funding blaming Trump and the state saying the city spent all it can spend, so if you want the mess cleaned up give us more money. And more money will still make things worse if they don't modify their plans.

Funny how they insisted the Jamaica Avenue left turn had to be banned in the name of safety. Then after massive community protest, they realized they can design a safe left turn there. So why wasn't that in the original plan? Because they released a horrible plan without adequate study and data. They made many modifications but it still needs much more. Better yet if they drop the whole thing. A lawsuit seems to be the only way to stop this disaster.

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