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Re: Fighting the DOT S(BS) on Woodhaven Blvd

Posted by AlM on Thu Sep 22 19:31:32 2016, in response to Re: Fighting the DOT S(BS) on Woodhaven Blvd, posted by New Flyer #857 on Thu Sep 22 12:38:14 2016.

I'm in this thread because I want to be both a better driver and a better pedestrian.

Some suggestions for you as a driver.

- Pay attention to where your wheels are pointed. Your car will go that way, not in the direction the car is pointed.

- When turning into a crosswalk, look for a pedestrian gap that obviously big enough for you to get through. If it looks just barely big enough, forget about it.

- If your wheels are pointing at a pedestrian, you had better be slowing down. Going at a steady speed (or God forbid speeding up) on the assumption that the pedestrian will get out of your way is attempted criminally negligent homicide.

- For the sake of argument, say you're trying to make a right from 42 St. onto 8 Ave. If you are first at the light, proceed 50 feet forward and aim to turn onto the left lane of 8th Ave. That way at least two cars behind you have a chance to make this light too.

Now say you are trying to make a right from 42nd onto 8th, but not from the curb lane on 42nd, but rather from the next one over. Just because it's illegal and could cause a fender bender doesn't give you the right to make it a potential homicide too. As you make a right turn in front of the car to your right that is also making a right turn, your view of the crosswalk is impaired. If the guy to your right lets a pedestrian pass, you don't have the right to cream the pedestrian just because you didn't see him. So proceed very carefully and 99.9% of the time no one will get upset.

- Say you are making a left turn from (2-way) 3rd Ave southbound onto 18th Street eastbound. Make sure the crosswalk on the east side of 3rd Ave, crossing 18th, is clear. if you screw up and as you approach the crosswalk you see a pedestrian in your path, STOP. You must not terrorize the pedestrian out of the way. Yes, you could get broadsided by a vehicle coming northbound on 3rd Ave. But that's the risk you are obligated to take. You are not allowed to risk the pedestrian's life just to avoid getting the side of your car smashed in.

- If you are going straight and the light turns yellow when you are still 30 feet away, STOP for crying out loud. You're going to be running a red light, and all it takes is one pedestrian not noticing that you have stolen his right of way to cause a deadly accident.


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