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Re: Fighting the DOT S(BS) on Woodhaven Blvd

Posted by terRAPIN station on Fri Sep 9 12:11:02 2016, in response to Re: Fighting the DOT S(BS) on Woodhaven Blvd, posted by BrooklynBus on Fri Sep 9 11:24:55 2016.


Anyone who know how to read English wou,d do nothing of the sort.
Wrong!!!! Anyone in his right mind would click on that link if they wanted ANYTHING to do with SBS!!!!!!!!!!

Where is the proff that they wou,d do what you say.
The proff is that that's how the internet works. You clearly FAIL at the internets. And that's not an insult. That's just a fact-based observation. Generally, clicks are free. You don't get charged for extra clicks (assuming you are on a land-line-based data plan). So normal people on the internet click on anything and everything that may even be remotely relevant to what they want in the hopes of finding what they want. That's why they'd click. You must not find what you want too often if you refuse to click on anything that isn't EXACTLY what you want. We browse the WORLD WIDE WEB of LINKS. The whole idea of the INTERNET is that information is linked together. You find one thing, which has links to more related stuff. So if you find, on the main page of the MTA, a link about SBS, you damn well would click on it with the hopes (and EXPECTATION) of finding LINKS (it's the internet, you fool!) to more stuff about SBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But don't feel bad, it's not just you. I've anecdotally found that many old people are scared to click on anything and everything to find what they need. Old people need to listen to and learn from younger people. My 4-year-old would find SBS info faster than you. She navigates apps and websites AND FINDS WHAT SHE WANTS without having to ask me a million questions like you do! So sad.

You are always asking for others to provide proff but never provide any yourself.
Again, that's a lie. I almost always provide proff when necessary. You're a damn liar and a hypocrite.


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