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Re: Fighting the DOT S(BS) on Woodhaven Blvd

Posted by terRAPIN station on Thu Sep 1 13:31:20 2016, in response to Re: Fighting the DOT S(BS) on Woodhaven Blvd, posted by BrooklynBus on Thu Sep 1 12:22:37 2016.


I understand that on Astoria Blvd South going east that the road splits. The signs say left for the Marine Air Terminal and right for the BQE. Nowhere is there a directional sign for the Grand Central where the majority of drivers are headed for. How is someone to know that he should follow the sign for the Marine Air Terminal to get to the Grand Central. Please explain how most drivers would know that.
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Astoria Blvd continues straight. The road that diverges to the right is called Brooklyn-Queens Expressway.

The default action is to stay on the road you are on until you see a sign for the road you want, and then you diverge. So forget needing a sign for the GCP, if anything, since I can see how the spot could be tricky, there should be a sign that makes clear that Astoria Blvd is the left-hand fork. But as-is, it is safe to assume that if you don't want the BQE, you should go left. Note that on that sign, the left hand side is a destination whereas the right hand side is a road. So again, since the default is to stay on the road you are already on, the fact that the right side mentions another road, but the left side only mentions a destination, should clue you in that the left side is the side for staying on your current path.

PLUS, you can see the GCP to your left. The left fork goes left. The right fork goes right. Which fork do you think leads to the GCP? I mean seriously.


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