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Re: MTA's Poor Priorities

Posted by R30A on Fri Jul 1 11:28:18 2016, in response to Re: MTA's Poor Priorities, posted by BrooklynBus on Fri Jul 1 11:20:57 2016.

"It certainly is relevent to your post."
It is not whatsoever. It is not relevant to ANY post that has been made by anybody.

"You say I have zero credibility."
And he is right!

"I am showing you that R30A has zero credibility by saying he wouldn't be surprised if I was responsible for the Second Avenue subway not being completed."
Whether or not something would surprise somebody has nothing to do with their credibility whatsoever.

"That was based on his statement that my job among other responsibilities was to save $4 million a day and because I didn't do my job the MTA was $45 billion short to compete the Second Avenue Subway."
I have never made this statement. Neither has anybody else. You are the only person who seems to not understand this.

"So if you believe he has credibility and I do not, you would have to agree with him."
A. I never made the claim that you had anything to do with SAS.
B. To be of the opinion that someone has credibility, one does not have to agree with everything they say. For example: Spider-Pig and I disagree on a great deal with regards to automobile laws. I would never imply that I think he lacks credibility in any way, as such would be false.

"So I am asking you if you in fact believe that I could have been responsible for the Second Avenue Subway not being completed because I wasn't saving $4 million a day as R30A claimed I should have been doing."
I'll take this one for him. He does not, and I do not. I furthermore never made any claim of such.

"So please answer yes or no without avoiding the question or changing the subject."
The answer is NO.

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