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Re: MTA's Poor Priorities

Posted by BrooklynBus on Mon Jun 20 13:20:25 2016, in response to Re: MTA's Poor Priorities, posted by WillD on Mon Jun 20 00:23:57 2016.

Thanks for putting words in my mouth. Apparently that is what all you anti-car advocates love doing.

For you information, I developed dozens of bus route improvements back in 2006 and none of them involve automobiles. Here .

Rockaway is very car centric and for good reason. A friend of mine waited for a Q53 on Sunday night from 10 PM to 11 PM and was late for work. He has a car and could have used it. It's crappy service like that why people choose to drive.

I merely developed a single bus proposal that probably would get some out of their cars and into mass transit and would give them quicker mass transit trips, so you accuse me of ONLY caring about those with cars.

The supposed advantage of buses over fixed rail ISTHAT YOU CAN TRY THINGS. The way to determine if there is demand is to give it a shot. Did you ask the MTA how they concluded the successful Q70 was worth a try?

If it doesn't work, you didn't invest my much. The MTA has the resources to determine if there is a market. I DO NOT. Yet you are asking me for definitive proof this will work.

My proposal reflects on the MTA's priorities (that title was the ecitor's not mine) because the MTA only considers additional operating costs, not added revenue, when determining new routes. That is why they usually operate them at 30 minute headways even during rush hours and terminate them short of making good bus connections in order to minimize operating costs which is their sole goal.

I certainly am not a shill for automobile interests. I have devoted my adult life to improving mass transit for everyone, and drivers are part of "everyone". You on the other hand believe all drivers are evil, and have no reason to drive because everyone should either use mass transit, bike or walk and what the city needs to do is to discourage cars as much as possible while only promising mass transit improvements and only delivering them when real estate interests are met.


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