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Re: Attention all B36 Bus riders

Posted by BrooklynBus on Fri Apr 22 00:13:43 2016, in response to Re: Attention all B36 Bus riders, posted by Terrapin Station on Thu Apr 21 22:13:25 2016.

Shows how much you know. OP reports to OMB. They determine what OP is and is not allowed to do. You actually think they have authority to do what they want to do?

Let me tell you what a high OP official told me when he interviewed me when I was trying to get back into the department. I said to him there are so many major route changes that are needed so why does OP only make very minor changes. He told me they would like to do a lot more but are unable to because top management is afraid that major changes will cause an uproar and powerful elected officials will get them removed since everyone is provisional and not civil service and can be fired at will.

The only time major changes cause an uproar is when they are poor changes that have not been thought out well. The major changes I was responsible caused no opposition at all because they were good ones. There was initial confusion for the first few days because of poor MTA public information regarding the changes.

The MTA made two major changes to my plan overriding what the communities and I wanted. One of them was to extend the B11 from 18th Avenue to Rockaway Parkway. It has to be cutback to Flatbush Avenue as the communities originally requested after three years, BECAUSE EXTENDING IT TO ROCKAWAY PARKWAY WAS A FAILURE.

The other change they made was to partially combine the B36 with the B74. That resulted in 300 people protesting in the street and blocking traffic. They were forced to restore both routes in Coney Island three months later.

So your assumption that the MTA planners know what they are doing is WRONG. In 2010 when they made the cutbacks they presented unrealistic alternatives to the routes being discontinued. They measured walking distances to alternate routes as being a quarter mile away when the true walking distances were three quarters of a mile. They measured the distances as the crow flies assuming people can walk through buildings and cross limited access highways. They also ignored topography where the quarter mile walk was up a huge hill.

Once they confused passengers with customers and used the terms interchangeably in the same paragraph when they previously defined a passenger as someone traveling from point A to Point B and a customer as someone making a round trip. Therefore the conclusions they drew were totally erroneous.

I never made such blatant mistakes. So don't lecture to me how infallible the people at OP are. They make mistakes all the time and no one checks their work and they keep their data secret.

Last Labor Day Q35 riders waited as much as one hour and 45 minutes for a bus. On another beach day someone else timed the wait as two hours and 15 minutes. Yet OP claims service is sufficient to handle the crowds. I figured out why. Because they probably average rainy days when the buses are nearly empty and beach days where three or four buses pass by before one stops to pick you up and they conclude acceptable passenger loads. ANYONE BUT OP CAN SEE THE FALLACY IN THAT TYPE OF PLANNING.

So the question you should be asking is why I don't take OP seriously, not why they don't take me seriously.

Another difference is that the Operations people really want to do a good job and are willing to listen while OP is filled with arrogance believing they have all the answers. They believe you can plan by only looking at numbers on a page which is why they come up with such poor plans. You have to be out in the field to see what is really going on.

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