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Re: The Benefits of Slower Traffic, Measured in Money and Lives

Posted by BrooklynBus on Fri Oct 9 11:53:10 2015, in response to Re: The Benefits of Slower Traffic, Measured in Money and Lives, posted by NJT Oradell on Wed Oct 7 09:43:33 2015.

That's exactly what it is "statistical crap". The question to really ask is what were the motives of the authors of the study going into this project? Did they set out to prove a redesign of the roadway would be advantageous or were they truly objective?

In virtually any study, the authors know exactly what they want to prove then collect their data to support their conclusions. This is probably no different. We don't know how the model was designed or if its predictions of only three minutes lost are accurate. They state that most drivers currently ignore the 25 mph speed limit. Perhaps that speed is unrealistically too slow which is why they ignore it.

Now I am not saying that what they are proposing won't work. The only way to find out is to try it for three or six months, or perhaps a year if there are seasonal fluctuations in roadway use, carefully collecting data before and after. In this case, that would be a good idea since only the painting of lines is involved, not a large capital expense, unless a good case can be made why their proposal would not work.

Then if it causes delays like ten or fifteen minutes, not three, ithe changes need to be reconsidered and possibly undone. But that is not what would happen. If there was only one fewer injury or death even if it had nothing to do with the redesign, there are those who would suggest that saving one life a year is worth the added inconvenience of thousands of motorists losing 15 minutes each day and the negative effects to the economy.

That is why there has to be clear criteria set as to under which conditions the trial changes would be allowed to remain before any construction is started and that has to e adhered to.


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