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Re: We Now Have Definitive Proof SBS is a Failure

Posted by terRAPIN station on Tue May 12 13:47:26 2015, in response to Re: We Now Have Definitive Proof SBS is a Failure, posted by N6 Limited on Tue May 12 13:35:24 2015.


I still don't see what the issue with BrooklynBus is, he states some things and you all attack him
No, that's not true.

he responds with logical explanations and facts, and you all dismiss whatever he says.
No, that's not the case.

Sometimes someone will ask for studies and other things as if you all have no critical thinking skills.
No, I haven't seen that.

Everything the MTA or DOT says is not true, there are things such as "spin" and there are also things called "sponsored studies".
I think I know what you meant to say. So when have any of us disagreed with that?

It's like if someone says "clouds are sometimes grey", you will ask for a weather study or credentials as a meteorologist, when you can simply look up on a cloudy day.
No, that's a completely inaccurate analogy for what is going on here.

An accurate analogy would be that if someone says "clouds are usually grey", we will ask for the data on the number of cloudy/overcast days per year, because we can simply look up and see that there are many sunny days when the clouds are not grey. FURTHERMORE, the weather is different in different locations, even within NYC! So such a general statement is ridiculous to begin with.


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