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Re: Push to Replace Port Authority Bus Terminal

Posted by WillD on Fri Mar 20 02:10:28 2015, in response to Re: Push to Replace Port Authority Bus Terminal, posted by kcram3500 on Thu Mar 19 22:03:51 2015.

In contrast, most of the NJT and private bus services into New York make money.

You mean they generate an operating surplus. They're not profitable in terms of capital expenditure on vehicles, and once you roll in the upkeep on the highway system they're definitely not profitable in any sense of the word. Roads are not naturally occurring and the cost of operating buses on them must be accounted for in this accounting. As buses are frequently amongst the heaviest vehicles to travel along a non-arterial road they are amongst the chief reasons for repaving in residential areas.

Tell them you need to come up with half the money for a new rail tunnel/terminal AND you're eliminating their profitable bus service with a money-losing rail service that eliminates the local neighborhood stops they've come to know for decades with single per-town stations that create their own traffic problems every rush hour (ask Dover NJ about this), they'll give you a typical NJ reaction.

Rail is only a "money loser" because it foots its own bill for all its own infrastructure. Again, buses aren't profitable because they're not financing the road system outside of tolls and gas taxes, which don't cover the upkeep. It's also worth noting NJT's commuter rail system has a cost per vehicle revenue mile of about 150% that of their buses, despite the rail vehicle having roughly 200% the capacity of a bus. If you're going for "profit" then NJT's rail system is the better way to drive down costs than the bus network.


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