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S.I. officials, community members call on MTA to restore S54 Weekend bus service

Posted by Gold_12th on Sun Aug 17 17:39:45 2014

Growing up in Castleton Corners, Rob Ricci remembers his mother taking the S54 to her job at Waldbaum's every day. In 2010, the Metropolitan Transit Authority, citing low ridership, shrunk the line's weekday service and cut weekend service altogether.

Ricci's mother, Lillian, no longer had a reliable way to get to work and retired from her Waldbaum's job of 40 years.

"It definitely played a role in her retirement," Ricci said. "That line was essential to all the people who lived here.

"There are a lot of older people here, like my mother, who don't drive and need to a way to get to the nursing homes, hospitals and grocery stores in the area," he continued. "This is about giving people something that's long overdue."

Ricci was one of several dozen community members who attended Councilman Steven Matteo's rally Saturday morning calling on the MTA to restore full service to the S54 bus line, which connects local residents near Manor Road in Castleton Corners to Victory Boulevard. The full line stretches from West Brighton to Eltingville.

With the Clove Lakes Rehabilitation Center and nursing home and the Todt Hill Projects nearby, many attendees were older non-drivers who, without weekend S54 bus service, cannot conveniently leave their houses to run errands and attend doctor's appointments or church ceremonies.

"Since I took office earlier this year I've fielded many complaints from residents here saying 'I can't get to Victory Boulevard, I can't get to work," Matteo (R-Mid Island) said. "When I drive on Manor Road in the winter, I see elderly people carrying groceries in the freezing cold up Manor Road. And that's just not right."

Castleton Corners resident Diane Taylor, 67, just wants a way to get the approximately 1.5 miles from her home to Victory Boulevard. Taylor has had two surgeries on her knees and can't walk up the hill of Manor Road from Victory Boulevard.

"There are so many things I can't do now. I can't go to church—everything gets put off until Monday and it affects my whole life," Ms. Taylor said. "It's just not right. Walking errands in the winter months are just terrible."

Senator Andrew Lanza and Assemblyman Michael Cusick joined Matteo, alongside the Amalgamated Transit Union at Saturday's press conference, held at the corner of Manor Road and Croak Street.

In the only borough without a subway system, Cusick (D-Mid Island) stressed the importance of bus availability, saying, "We need safe, reliable bus service here on Staten Island."

Lanza (R-Staten Island) slammed the MTA for continuously "forgetting" about Staten Island and thanked Matteo for taking up the S54 issue.

"When it comes to transportation on the Island, we've been forgotten by the MTA," Lanza said. "No where has the MTA failed more miserably to provide adequate public transportation than here on Staten Island. The message today is very simple: MTA, do your job."

After fielding complaint after complaint, Matteo sent a letter to the MTA requesting that the agency return weekend service to the S54 line, which was scaled back in June 2010 during the MTA budget crisis.

MTA President Carmen Bianco responded quickly, denying his request. According to Bianco in her response letter, the S54 carried around 700 riders on Saturdays and 400 riders on Sundays--the lowest ridership of any Staten Island weekend routes.

"We have had to make a number of very difficult decisions that required many of our customers to adjust their travel patterns," Bianco's response reads. "While we regret any inconvenience that our customers experience as a result, we believe that the actions we are taking are prudent and essential, given the financial constraints that we face."

At the press conference on Saturday, Matteo said that the MTA should look past the statistics and do "the right thing."

"This isn't about numbers, this is about doing what's right," he said. "There are people here that depend on this line to get around the Island."



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