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Re: Pols protest S79 SBS bus lane camera 'entrapment' on Hylan Blvd in Dongan Hills

Posted by Michael549 on Mon Aug 4 12:32:43 2014, in response to Re: Pols protest S79 SBS bus lane camera 'entrapment' on Hylan Blvd in Dongan Hills, posted by RailBus63 on Sun Aug 3 10:51:44 2014.

From the day it was created, with the restricted bus lanes and the ticketing cameras all for the SBS-79 bus - there has been a campaign to get rid of what has been seen by car drivers as an intrusion upon their sacred congested crowded Hylan Blvd!

In their appeals to the "everyman" some Staten Island politicians love to rail in from of the cameras about the tickets, and the hassles - and about how the "freedoms" of the car drivers has been curtailed. It is in their interest to promote the idea that the ticket cameras do not work, that the wrong folks have been ticketed, etc.

If in the fine print the guy was actually in the wrong - it does not really matter because few folks will actually see that kind of stuff in the summarized news articles banded about these days! It is the impression that was made, and that impression of the "wronged man" is what the pols wanted!

Remember they are also the folks that have tried their best to wittle down the SBS-79 service as much as possible without actually getting the service ended. Car drivers on Staten Island are the majority of voters here. The numbers of folks who have to DEPEND upon transit is much smaller - hence few pols take transit issues seriously because the pols themselves drive, and do not use transit unless they must.
Then there is almost universal idea that most folks want to get where they are going with the least amount of hassle.

All of the talk about parking regulations, distances on the road before making a turn, etc. - all good points - do not take into account the political agenda. The agenda is that the SBS-79 is too often seen as an intrusion by folks who really do not want it there and they do not use it.


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