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Re: MTA wants to install video cameras to record B/O behind the wheel, but TWU vows to fight the move

Posted by Brooklyn67 on Sun Jun 24 11:13:46 2012, in response to MTA wants to install video cameras to record B/O behind the wheel, but TWU vows to fight the move, posted by Gold_12TH on Thu Jun 21 12:29:47 2012.

“We do not agree and will not agree on cameras pointed toward our operators,” Willie Rivera, a bus division chairman with TWU Local 100, said.

I don't know that the union has any right to dictate or mandate what the TA can or can't do with their equipment. If they (the TA) want cameras pointing at drivers, what can the union really do, other than institute language into the contract that such footage cannot be used as a disciplinary tool? But even if they manage to win there, management still has "eyes" where they hadn't before, and on a regular, permanent basis. From there, it's only a matter of time until the union negotiates the language out of the contract in favor of something else. That's always been the way of the TA -- give the union what they want right now, knowing they will give it up down the road for something less intrusive or something with monetary value.

I never had a problem with Beakies; management has a right (even an obligation) to ensure I'm doing my job correctly, but cameras on drivers all day long creates an environment that's uncomfortable where a driver might feel the need to be "perfect" all the time, which translates into less focus and attention to the road and more on what s/he's doing behind the wheel. In essence, it will create a very distracted driver, in my opinion. And a driver that's constantly distracted by a camera can't possibly be "perfect".

Also, if they do succeed with this plan, it will force changes the public might not really desire -- operating by the book. If you've ever been on a really slow, late bus, making stop after stop with dwell times that seem never-ending, you've probably been on a bus driven by a student driver or "Probie". They are working by the book. Just imagine if we all drove that way. Because if management has their way and points a camera at me, and can use it for disciplinary measures, that's exactly how I'd drive from that point on.

Be careful what you wish for. You might just get it.


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