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Re: Fare Beaters..what's the driver SUPPOSED To do?

Posted by LRG5784 on Thu May 31 20:35:37 2012, in response to Re: Fare Beaters..what's the driver SUPPOSED To do?, posted by AcelaExpress2005 on Thu May 31 12:31:11 2012.

Yeah, some drivers I know in Staten Island have different tactics as to how they handle fare evasion. One driver I know told me he doesn't care if a person pays or not, stating that "the firebox has nothing to do with me." If people get on and don't even say anything to him he doesn't care. Another driver I know says that she wants people to at least say something to her out of respect to her if they don't have the money and she'll let them on. Another driver, on the other hand, goes as far as challenging people on the bus with no money, and one time four kids tried to get on without paying and he refused to move the bus, shutting it off until they got off.

I guess every driver has different ways of handling customers. Some routes you can pull off kicking people off the bus, whereas some routes the passengers will fight back, and it sure isn't pretty. Guess that's why drivers pick certain routes because they know how to handle customers on certain lines.

By the way, I'm not sure if I ever saw you on the B46, but I hardly ever use that line anyway although I live a few blocks from it.


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