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Re: Farebeating on Staten Island local buses

Posted by LRG5784 on Mon May 14 23:00:08 2012, in response to Farebeating on Staten Island local buses, posted by Gold_12TH on Mon May 14 11:34:29 2012.

I'm acquainted with three drivers from Staten Island. One of them won't move the bus unless the person gets off. One time four kids got on his S59 at Victory/Richmond. Both him and I can sense when we see "lowlives" at the bus stop. He tells then to have their bus passes ready, but the kids get on and blatantly ignore him. What does he do? He pulls the ICC and turns the bus off, and curses the kids out who then go apeshit because they don't have their way. Don't like it, then too bad.

The other driver wants the kids to at least say something. Give her respect at least, and she'll let them on. The other doesn't give a shit at all if they pay or not.

What's really said is how these kids have the money for an extra value meal at McDonald's but no money for the bus. If I don't have money for the bus or I have money to use for other things then I won't ride the bus or won't try to get on, period. Why put yourself in an embarrassing situation like that?

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