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Re: Millennium Transit to enter MTA Bus Test & Evaluation Program with 2 new RTS models.

Posted by BedStuyGuy on Mon Jan 2 23:12:14 2012, in response to Re: Millennium Transit to enter MTA Bus Test & Evaluation Program with 2 new RTS models., posted by RailBus63 on Mon Jan 2 19:37:20 2012.

True, MTS has a very huge hill to climb. But once the low-floor comes into the picture, the playing field will be leveled, and MTS won't always have to be the lowest bidder. They will get the awards off best value. The buses that are currently in service are exceeding well beyond the expectations of their operators, maintenance teams and drivers. Senor drivers are fighting over these buses, and you can take that to the bank. MTS has been supplying parts, customer service and support to all is customers consistently for the last 6 years. They even found ways to further reduce operating costs, and put preventive maintenance training programs in place for the TA's that has amazed even me.

The warranty will be unlike anything you or I have ever seen. It's just insane! This is already coming to light straight from the operators. I had no idea MTS was in business for the last 3 years. I assumed that when they filed for bankruptcy they had closed their doors, and I stopped following their operations. Well just before APTA I got the shock of my life.

The thing with the 42.5 ft HF express, is that it enters a market that pretty much died when Orion ceased high-floor production. Most all the customers that had the 42-43 seat 40 foot Orion, RTS, and NABI express buses started migrating over to MCI. Many of them don't need MCI's and can use a new 49 seat RTS. MTS isn't trying to get rich, they just plan on claiming their niche.

As far as Capital Programs, trains and buses are in two different accounts. Trains are over budget and severely behind schedule, whereas bus procurements are also behind schedule, but significantly under budget. When the TA implemented the Bus Test & Evaluation Program, they drove productivity and bus durability up, while simultaneously driving costs down and leveling the playing field a bit. That was the single smartest move the MTA has done in their entire history. You get a great deal on buses parts and support. You know for a fact you won't be overcharged. On top of that, these are the best buses Nova, Prevost Orion and New Flyer have to offer.

For MTS to shoot for anything other that BTE first would just be stupid in my opinion. Keep your back-up plans, but go for the agency that the world watches. MTS exited bankruptcy 11 months ago,and has yet to fold.

So me being who I am will root for them to the end. I grew up in a city minutes away from the GM Truck & Bus Plant, Detroit Diesel, and the Big 3. It runs deep for me. American made vehicles and planes are the only thing I do. When Boeing lost the tanker contract to Airbus, I went ballistic! Called everybody! My aviation professors, classmates, parents, and everybody. We hit the net, called congress and stopped that shit immediately! I was born in America, and I welcome foreign competition. But my #1 goal is to help restructure the only thing I've ever known. Advocating for American made cars, trucks, planes, trains, and engines runs in my veins. That includes Canada too, as they are only a stones throw away from my hometown. When it comes to buses, cars, trucks, trains and planes, the US and Canada should have that on lock!

It's 2012. Y'all better wake up! We are one of the the largest communities for an actual cause. What brings you all to these boards daily? How many of you actually contribute?

In the transportation industry, we are the people who control that sector! We ride the buses, drive the trains, and catch the flights. Instead of talking shit and always trying to one-up everyone, some of you should actually do something! Stop sitting behind a computer all day if you have nothing to bring to the table.

90% of the time, I know exactly what's going on in the industry. Every blue moon I get caught with a right hook and admit I'm wrong. Most times I pretend not to know whats up just for some entertainment.

Long story short.... The question is... What are all you "Trans Fans" doing with your lives? Do you post ignorant, inflammatory bullshit on a near daily basis, or do you contribute something? If someone audited all your online posts on the spot, what would you have to say for your self?

Rant over.... LMAO! I'm on one!

P.S..... Wait a minute...... Brian, you get the "Most Annoying Poster of the Decade in Transit Award." Get with the program dude! I know I'm crazy, but I really don't think you have a clue that you are. You need some friends and therapy. I don't know if you really are a few fries short of a happy, or just a jack ass.

........oh yeah, and about that Classic, it was just like the Orion VII OG/NG platform. Same structure with new appointments.

The New Look and the New Look Classic were the exact same bus. When TMC built the Orion 1, a whole lot started to happen. The bus had a new signature style for Orion, with inner workings modeled after the RTS and New Look. Shortly after Orion's birth, GM introduced the New Look Classic, which took a few styling points from the Orion.


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