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Re: MTA service cuts force bus passengers to take the subway

Posted by Terrapin Station on Wed Nov 30 01:08:27 2011, in response to Re: MTA service cuts force bus passengers to take the subway, posted by AcelaExpress2005 on Tue Nov 29 23:01:53 2011.


Well, yeah... I am claiming what I posted.

Oh, well then I'm claiming that you're completely wrong, based on logic and NYCT's own reports and also don't forget the historical trends.

Being an operator myself, I see exactly what goes on, and how many people are being accounted for.

I mean no disrespect, but no, as an operator, who is only operating one bus at a time and doesn't know what is going on on the other buses and on all the other routes, you don't know "exactly what is going on". Which is why there is an Operations Planning department and why the bus operators don't do the planning!

Those checkers aren't out there 24/7, so unless you have constant counting, on each bus, everyday, then it's hard to have an accurate number.

Incorrect. The checkers do not have to be out there 24/7 doing constant counting on each bus in order to get an accurate picture of what is going on. They need only to collect enough data for a statistically significant sample.

Not all of us use the F5 function which accounts for farebeaters (though I do).

That's why there are traffic checkers.


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